LMJW Blog My notes.

Install GMP on windows 10 machine

Recently, I was trying to install GMP library on my windows 10 machine.

The first problem that I was facing is

‘gcc’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."

Then I did some searches and I found this page which showed how to install GMP on windows. However, it is a bit outdated, I still encounter some problems in following its steps. Luckily I figured out how to solve the problems and installed the GMP successfully.

python subprocess

Python subprocess examples Description This is a collection of python subprocess examples for easy usage. Although I found the python documents are very comprehensive, I found there is not much examples of showing how to use. This document act as a note of how to use python subprocess package. Environment settings OS Windows 10 home python Anaconda, python 3.6.3 Main functions subprocess.run() the code is executed in IDLE command line window. >>> import subprocess as sb >>> bash_exec = "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe" >>> sb.run([bash_exe, '-c','pwd'], stdout=sb.PIPE) CompletedProcess(args=[‘C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.

An experiment using golang and python to execute command in docker


Using golang to execute python code, which can in turn execute docker command to control docker container.






Markdown Style Guide

This is a forked syntax cheatsheet for Jekyll. View the markdown used to create this post. [View the markdown used to create this post](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/barryclark/www.jekyllnow.com/gh-pages/_posts/2014-6-19-Markdown-Style-Guide.md). This is a paragraph, it’s surrounded by whitespace. Next up are some headers, they’re heavily influenced by GitHub’s markdown style. Header 2 (H1 is reserved for post titles)## ## Header 2 (H1 is reserved for post titles)## Header 3 ### Header 3 Header 4 #### Header 4 A link to Jekyll Now. A big ass literal link http://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now/ A link to [Jekyll Now](http://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now/). A big ass literal link <http://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now/> An image, located within /images

common knowledge cheat sheet

Rust String.push(char) takes char Vec has reverse method where as iterator has rev method String and &str both have chars method that convert string to Char String and &str can be split_whitespace they also can call split(pat: P) e.g split(' ') is equivalent to split by whitespace NOTE: in rust usize -1 could overflow to max, this might causing algorithm not working properly If we are dealing with linked list with Option<Box<Node>>, we can potentially using Box::clone() to overcome some limitation due to borrow checker. Box::clone should be relatively not expensive as mentioned in rust book: a box is a smart pointer to a heap allocated value of T.