A python example of realizing secure grpc communication

Here are some links that I found it can be helpful when I was trying to work out how to setup the python ssl communication.

Secure gRPC with TLS/SSL, This is golang implementation

certstrap, a convienient tool to generate openssl keys and certificate

gRPC authentication, the official guide of grpc

grpcio, python package, the source code and official document of grpc python

grpc golang ssl example, another golang example of ssl communication

What is the difference between .pem , .csr , .key and .crt?, a stackexchange question which explains the concepts and differences of different types of files

What is a Pem file and how does it differ from other OpenSSL Generated Key File Formats?, a stackexchange question which explains the concepts and differences of different types of files

Cannot connect to SSL server using IP address, this is a useful thread that helped me to solve the server certificate problem

TLS Golang Server not working with Node-js and Python Client, this thread makes me to understand to set the server certificate to have the name that is the same as the hostname.

Go to my GITHUB repository to see the source code implementation.